

In addition to the existing eLogistics and EDI solutions, DACHSER offers APIs (Application Programming Interface) as a furtherconnectivity solution. This allows you to connect your company with us – seamlessly and in real time.

Our APIs are powerful interfaces to accelerate digital transformation and drive business for our partners of all sizes.

Our APIs play a big role in digitising processes and collaboration as well as increasing productivity and efficiency.

Implemented quickly and easily

API Portfolio

Discover our growing range of APIs that will help you to enrich your business operation.

To the API library


Under Support you will find useful information and recommendations on how to use the APIs as well as the FAQ.

Further questions? Contact us here.

Contact us

All connectivity solutions offered by DACHSER

EDI With EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) large amounts of data can be processed through automated processes.
eLogistics With our eLogistics portal you have access to all data which is directly connected to our transport and warehouse systems.
With API (Application Programming Interface) we offer seamless integration of your business into our services.